Date: Friday, Dec. 21, 2018
Investigators: Jim, Allie, Tanner, Alisha and Brandon Equipment: DVR cameras, digital voice recorders, Mel Meter, K2 meter, SB7 and SB11 spirit boxes, REM pod, proximity detector, laser grids, SLS camera, video cameras Claims: Shadow figures, footsteps on the stage, chairs slamming, apparitions in the theater |
Audio evidence
While investigating in the theater, Tanner and Alisha hear footsteps on stage.
Allie, Jim and Brandon are doing a quick spirit box session in the promenade. They are greeted by a "Hey."
During a spirit box session on the stage of the theater, the digital recorder picks up a sound like someone slamming piano keys. There is no piano in the theater.
During a question-and-answer session, the digital recorder catches a female singing, once before and once after an investigator's inhale.
While sitting in the theater, Allie hears what sounds like a chair slam. Jim asks for that sound to be made again, and receives a response.
A static digital recorder on the second balcony of the theater picks up a little girl saying "You're OK."
In the theater, Jim asks if the spirits would like the investigators to move somewhere else in the theater to better interact. A woman responds "That'd be better."
During a break, investigators are talking outside of the theater. A deep male voice talks over them saying "This is wrong."
Allie is talking in the promenade, and then a male voice says "Hey guys."
Video evidence
The static DVR camera on the first balcony picks up a light anomaly going out of and into the theater on the first floor.
Photos from the investigation