Date: Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020
Investigators: Jim, Allie, Alisha, Sandy and Tanner Equipment: Digital voice recorders, EDI+ meter, Mel Meter, K2 meter, SB11 and SB7 Spirit Boxes, motion detectors, REM pod History: The Mystique Community Ice Center was built in 2009 on Chaplain Schmitt Island, which at one time was the city dump. The ice center is home to the junior league Dubuque Fighting Saints, the Dubuque high school hockey team and many youth teams. Claims: Overhearing conversations when no one is in the building, shadow figures, interacting with spirit of former concessions manager. |
Audio evidence
The team is in the concessions area trying to make contact with Barb, the former concessions manager who died. Team members are using the Spiritus app and catch an impatient male spirit saying "Get on with it."
Again using the Spiritus app in the concessions area, twice, in quick succession, voices say "Jim," indicating the team was interacting with an intelligent spirit.
The team asks if Barb is with them in the concessions area. On the static recorder, while using the Spiritus app, the team catches a male saying "She is" and a female saying "Hi." Upon playing this clip for the clients, they indicate that the female "Hi" sounds just like Barb.
Again in the concessions area, Tanner felt like his hair was being touched. Via the Spiritus app team members ask if the spirit likes Tanner. A spirit says "Me" and "I."
The team is in the concessions area talking about equipment shutting down. The static recorder catches a disembodied female spirit saying "Mmmmmm hmmmm" in agreement with the conversation. The team verified this was not any of the three female investigators present that night.
The team had left the concessions area to investigate other parts of the arena. The static recorder in the concessions area picks up a loud bang. It's the only time this sound is heard all night.
Near the end of the night, the team conducts an Estes Method session in the suite where a woman named Jackie died of a massive heart attack while attending a Fighting Saints game on her birthday. This conversation took place over 15 minutes, but is condensed here for easier listening.
Photos from the investigation
Findings: Most of the claims can be explained by extremely high EMF levels emanating from the compressor room in the lower level of the ice arena. It's no coincidence that the corner of the ice arena having the most activity is next two and just above the compressor room. That said, the team believes the spirits of Barb and Jackie are both present in the arena. Barb is likely in the facility because it was her happy place. We believe Jackie may not have known she had died. The team will be following up with sessions to help Jackie move on.