Date: March 31 & April 1
Investigators: Alisha, Sandy, Allie, Amanda, Rich, Brandon
Equipment: Digital voice recorders, Mel Meter, K2 meter, SB7 Spirit Boxes, EMF Tripwire, REM Pod, cat balls, Geophone, EDI Meter
These investigations were public events that Transcendent Paranormal Society led as part of the 2023 Haunted Galena Conference. On Friday night we investigated Galena Cellars and Saturday night we investigated DeSoto House Hotel.
Investigators: Alisha, Sandy, Allie, Amanda, Rich, Brandon
Equipment: Digital voice recorders, Mel Meter, K2 meter, SB7 Spirit Boxes, EMF Tripwire, REM Pod, cat balls, Geophone, EDI Meter
These investigations were public events that Transcendent Paranormal Society led as part of the 2023 Haunted Galena Conference. On Friday night we investigated Galena Cellars and Saturday night we investigated DeSoto House Hotel.
Galena Cellars
While investigating Galena Cellars the group did have several personal experience that were not caught on camera or audio:
- On the first floor one of the investigators was seeing a shadow at the back table. A flashlight had been placed on that table earlier in the night and when asked if there was someone sitting at the back table the flashlight turned on in response.
- We had been told by another group to try asking about pennies on the third floor. We set the EDI meter out and started talking about currency. The EDI meter only went off when we directly spoke about pennies.
- One of our guests on the investigation was a practicing mortician. We had set a K2 meter next to her on the table and it was consistently going off to red. We moved the K2 to try to see what the source of the EMF might be and we traced the source to actually be her. She had her phone off and did not have any other natural sources of EMF on her. We find her profession interesting because Galena Cellars did used to be a funeral home.
- At one point while the entire group was doing a session on the 2nd floor we all heard two women speaking downstairs. It was so distinct we thought someone had come into the building. We ran downstairs immediately and there was no one downstairs or directly outside.
- On the first floor one of the investigators was seeing a shadow at the back table. A flashlight had been placed on that table earlier in the night and when asked if there was someone sitting at the back table the flashlight turned on in response.
- We had been told by another group to try asking about pennies on the third floor. We set the EDI meter out and started talking about currency. The EDI meter only went off when we directly spoke about pennies.
- One of our guests on the investigation was a practicing mortician. We had set a K2 meter next to her on the table and it was consistently going off to red. We moved the K2 to try to see what the source of the EMF might be and we traced the source to actually be her. She had her phone off and did not have any other natural sources of EMF on her. We find her profession interesting because Galena Cellars did used to be a funeral home.
- At one point while the entire group was doing a session on the 2nd floor we all heard two women speaking downstairs. It was so distinct we thought someone had come into the building. We ran downstairs immediately and there was no one downstairs or directly outside.
Audio Evidence
One the first floor we are conducting a Spiritus session. We ask where the spirits hang out and get the response "third floor" which is where the majority of claims happen. We ask why they hang out there and get the response "cheese." Cheese inevitably comes up in every TPS investigation 😆
During an EVP session we ask if they are trying to help the Galena Cellars employees and get a male respond “yes”
We are running a spirit box session and ask if anyone knows how to use this device. We get a response “I can talk.” We then get a sound we can’t explain and never have heard come out of the spirit box towards the end of the clip. Note *This file is loud so you may want to turn down your audio*
In the same spirit box session as above we ask if they own this building we get a male response “Why does everybody come after us.” This length of response on a spirit box is very rare. Note *This file is loud so you may want to turn down your audio*
DeSoto House Hotel
While investigating The DeSoto House Hotel the group did have several personal experience that were not caught on camera or audio:
- The entire group was in the ballroom for a session. We had not been getting any activity with the equipment. We decided to try to play some Civil War era music and get everyone to dance to see if that stirred up activity. The moment we started until we ended equipment was going off (cat balls, EDI meter, and multiple K2 meters.)
- A guest was in the bathroom next to the ballroom on a break and she heard something sound like it crashed down. She thought something fell in the ballroom but the rest of us were in there at the time and didn’t hear anything.
- The entire group was in the ballroom for a session. We had not been getting any activity with the equipment. We decided to try to play some Civil War era music and get everyone to dance to see if that stirred up activity. The moment we started until we ended equipment was going off (cat balls, EDI meter, and multiple K2 meters.)
- A guest was in the bathroom next to the ballroom on a break and she heard something sound like it crashed down. She thought something fell in the ballroom but the rest of us were in there at the time and didn’t hear anything.
Audio Evidence
We were performing an Estes Method with one of the guests listening to the spirit box and the rest of the group asking questions. There wasn’t a ton of direct responses and we were getting ready to finish. We ask if there’s anything else they want to tell us. He responded immediately with “I’m good.”
One of the groups was doing an EVP session in the ballroom. Towards the end of this clip it sounds like the recorder gets slid even though no one moved the recorder all night.
We are doing a Spiritus session in the room Sandy and Alisha were staying in for the night. We ask if anyone is going to watch them sleep and get “ew” in response.
Same session as above we ask what the most haunted floor is and get “top” in response.
Same session as previous two clips. We ask if they are a fan of Grant and get an “oh yes” response.