Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021
Event: A Night at The Grand public investigation event Investigators: Jim, Alisha, Sandy, Allie, Brandon and 20 guests Equipment: Digital voice recorders, Mel Meter, K2 meter, SB7 Spirit Boxes, EDI+ meter, video camera, motion detectors, REM pod, blindfold, noise-cancelling headphones Claims: Spirits and voices in the costume shop, footsteps across the stage, shadow figures sitting in the theater, anxiety, nausea, headaches when entering paint room. |
Audio evidence
With no one in the costume shop the audio recorder picks up some distinct movement.
Jim's group is performing a Necrophonic session in the costume shop with a laser grid set up. Jim asks if they like the lasers. We get a "yes" response.
Brandon and Sandy's group is performing a spirit box session in the costume shop. They get the name Freddy over the box and are inquiring if Freddy is there with them. They get a "yeah" and "come closer" response.
Brandon and Sandy's team hear what sounds like movement or footsteps at the base of the stairs leading up to the costume shop. Their whole group heads down the stairs to investigate the source of the sounds. Brandon asks the spirits if they moved something down here when he gets to the bottom step. Back in the costume shop we get a male EVP respond on the recorder "yeah."
In the theatre the static recorder picks up the faint noise of a piano, matching claims and previous experiences.
During a session in the theatre the recorder picks up what sounds like an owl. Based on where this recorder was located we don't think there is any way for it to have picked up outdoor noise. This happened twice during this session, the team did not hear it in real time.
After a session in the theatre everyone is headed out to the lobby for a break. After the group heads out a female. voice can be heard saying "back here."
Jim's group is in the theatre performing a Necrophonic session. They start to get some weird feedback on the app that we haven't heard before. Around this same time we catch some strange moans which no one heard at the time. These do not come from the Necrophonic app.