We are all on the second floor investigating, and the HD handheld video camera captures a ball of energy moving from top to bottom. This was the only time an orb like this was caught on camera.
We are in the basement, in a room where the door was closed and held shut by a large nail. The owners said no one had been in the room for more than 40 years. The doorway you see in the video is the doorway back into the workshop. As the video camera pans from the right past the door, all is normal. But when the camera pans back, you will see a white and red light high on the wall. Those lights then come down the wall and streak across the screen.
The team is investigating in the son's bedroom upstairs and has a motion-sensing device that uses lasers set up just inside the door frame. Jim sets off the device, which lights up red when things that give off heat break it's laser plane, but then the device displays blue, indicating something is breaking the plane that does not give off heat.
In the son's bedroom, just 41 seconds after the spirit is caught, we believe exiting the room on the laser device, the hallway darkens and lightens twice. The shadow is so thick and dark it blocks out the banister rails in the middle of the frame.
The team is in the front room of the house and hasn't officially started the investigation. A light anomaly enters the frame of the HD video camera on the left and moves across the frame and disappears up the stairs.
The team is sitting around the kitchen table asking questions. The video camera catches a filament drop mid-screen from top to bottom. Tanner reacts to it and no dust, filaments or hair is found on the table where it would have landed.
Everyone is in the living room conducting a Q&A session. Tanner places the video camera on an end table to make it stationary. All of a sudden, the camera jars and you can hear three distinct footsteps after as if someone is running away.
Jim is watching into the courtyard when the door from the courtyard to the nail salon opens. After the video, listen to the audio clip of the door opening. The door did not open again during the 5-hour investigation.
The static DVR camera on the first balcony picks up a light anomaly going out of and into the theater on the first floor.